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Curriculum Overview

At Edward Pauling Primary School we aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum that meets the needs of all pupils. Pupils in Years 1-6 follow the National Curriculum which is available online at: 

We have developed our Long Term Plan which ensures that all National Curriculum objectives are met and are taught in an engaging way.

At Edward Pauling Primary School, all pupils from Nursery through to Year 6 learn through a core text, as part of the Power of Reading Programme, details of which can be found at 

The core text is at the centre of all lessons and links subjects together to ensure consistency and cohesion. Please see below for the whole school Long Term Plan.

Teaching and Learning at Edward Pauling Primary School is based on the principles of SOLO Taxonomy, which stands for Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes. SOLO Taxonomy is also used as a planning tool to ensure that pupils are provided with a cohesive curriculum, which promotes in-depth understanding of concepts and supports a holistic development of knowledge and skills.

In the classroom SOLO Taxonomy becomes a powerful mental model for pupils who use SOLO Taxonomy to understand that learning outcomes are the result of effort and the use of effective strategies rather than luck or fixed abilities. The pupils are able and motivated to monitor their own progress in learning tasks and to make smart decisions on their next steps. In addition, pupils use SOLO taxonomy to give or receive feedback and reflect on the outcomes of their learning. This approach has enabled pupils to become independent learners and has increased their engagement with their learning.

Our daily Guided Reading takes place across Year 1 to Year 6. Guided Reading is taught via a progressive approach based on recalling, deducing, inferring and interpretation skills through a range of genres and text types, using both Power of Reading texts and the Cracking Comprehension scheme. Find out more information at .  Our parent volunteers come into school to support our pupils with their reading development by hearing individual readers and small guided groups on a weekly basis. We follow the Oxford Reading Tree reading scheme for our pupils' independent reading.

Discrete teaching of phonics takes place throughout the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1, following the RWInc scheme ( Additionally,  phonics skills are applied by pupils through daily literacy lessons and across the wider curriculum.

At Edward Pauling Primary School we have created our own spelling system based on the National Curriculum 2014 requirements.

Writing skills including vocabulary, grammar and punctuation are taught daily throughout discrete English lessons, as well as through Science and Humanities lessons. Pupils are assessed on their progress in writing by completing sustained writes linked to the learning across subjects. The school has its own spelling programme designed to follow the requirements of the National Curriculum: pupils learn spellings each week and these are also used as part of teaching handwriting to give additional opportunities to embed this learning.

Mathematics is taught daily both in discrete lessons and by applying mathematics skills across the curriculum. Our maths programme ensures full coverage of all the curriculum objectives as well as challenging all pupils to achieve their best through extending understanding of mathematical concepts and the opportunity to develop critical thinking skills. As developing fluency in mental mathematics forms an important part of the curriculum to build pupils' confidence, pupils participate in daily starter activities built around the learning and application of number facts within different contexts.

The planning and implementation of Science is in line with the National Curriculum statutory requirements. Each year group has individualised long, medium and short term planning which is adapted where necessary to meet the learners' needs. Pupils are given opportunities to offer ideas to carry out investigations, set out fair tests, observe, draw conclusions and also develop their research skills.

The teaching of the Humanities at Edward Pauling Primary School links to the Power of Reading text. This enables pupils to learn and develop English and Mathematics skills across the curriculum and therefore understand that learning is a cohesive process.

The school's curriculum for foundation subjects includes Computing, History, Geography, Art and Design, DT (Design Technology), Music and PSHE and provides opportunities for pupils to use their reading, writing, mathematical and communication skills through a wide range of learning opportunities. In addition to the National Curriculum the school is also required to teach RE (Religious Education) which is informed by the Hounslow RE Syllabus. Key Stage 2 pupils also learn Spanish in weekly lessons.

Computing at our school is taught via Purple Mash which has been written to match the National Curriculum aims for Computing ( It enables computing to be taught as a discrete lesson following a progressive scheme of work for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. Computing skills are also applied across the wider curriculum through Science, Humanities, English and Mathematics lessons.

Within Art and Design, pupils have the opportunity to explore and acquire a variety of techniques such as drawing and painting, collage, textile, 3D design, printmaking and digital media through discrete lessons following a progressive scheme of work for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 linked to key artists. The work in Art and Design is woven into the wider curriculum where pupils can make links with different subjects. Alongside this, Design and Technology is taught at our school by providing a broad and balanced programme where pupils participate in learning experiences involving structures, mechanisms, food technology, materials and textiles.

Music is taught in a variety of ways by utilising cross curricular links with other subjects. We use the Charanga scheme of work which provides teachers with a basis on which they can develop their lessons, ensuring all pupils receive clear lessons from confident and prepared staff. Charanga offers all pupils the chance to participate in a range of music activities, so as to make learning fun and more accessible for all pupils involved. We utilise this scheme of work across the Key Stages, starting in Year 1 and continuing to Year 6.

You can find out more about Charanga at 

We have specialist teachers for PE and Music (using the Hounslow Music Service) and have a wide range of extra-curricular clubs. The PE Team engage with outside specialist providers, including those offering competitive sport, and Sport Impact to ensure that all groups of pupils have opportunities to attend competitions. We are proud of our varied extra-curricular programme including sports such as netball, cricket, football, running and badminton for Key Stage 2 and football and multi skills for Key Stage 1. Non-sporting clubs include enrichment, henna, sewing and art. We have been able to offer all pupils the opportunity to attend at least one club and have used funding to ensure that barriers for disadvantaged pupils attending are removed.

Phonics Information

Here is some further information about the Read Write Inc. Phonics scheme that is being used in school. 

Curriculum Documents