Curriculum Intent
At Edward Pauling Primary School, we believe that children thrive in an environment in which they are happy, challenged and secure. By providing this environment, we support every child to achieve the best outcomes possible and, by “Learning to Succeed Together”, be part of a strong community of life-long learners. Our school rules (“Show respect and good manners at all times”, “Care for everyone and everything” and “Follow instructions with thought and care”) guide all members of the school community to work together to attain the outcomes that we seek and to develop learners that are active, critical thinkers, resilient, independent, creative and proud of what they have achieved.
Our curriculum has been developed with a clear intent to ensure that, by the time they leave us, all our pupils are:
S – Skilled: Reading, writing and maths
- We will ensure that all pupils have learned and are able to apply the fundamental skills of reading, writing and mathematics across all areas of learning.
C – Creative and Critical Thinkers
- We will provide opportunities for pupils to develop their creativity, critical thinking skills and imagination.
H – Healthy and active
- We will encourage understanding of the importance of being active and healthy both physically and mentally.
O – Overcomers of challenge through Resilience
- We will develop pupils’ independent learning skills and develop resilience, to equip them for their next stage of learning.
O – On-board through behaviours and attitudes
- We will promote positive behaviour and safety for all pupils.
L – Lover of learning through individual strengths
- We will instil a love of learning inspired by quality teaching, nurturing and developing individual strengths and talents.
B – Broad and balanced learners through our curriculum and its high expectations
- We will provide a broad and balanced curriculum that meets the needs of all our pupils, setting high expectations for all groups to achieve.
A – Able readers who do it for enjoyment
- We will cultivate a passion for reading for enjoyment in our pupils.
G – Growth-minded through SMSC
- We will support pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development so that they become responsible and caring members of the community.